White Eagle Shamanic Studies

Your Path to Change Begins Here


All Five Units

Unit 1

 Groundwork – Section 1:

  • Taking A Teacher
  • The Importance of Cleansing the Body
  • The History of Shamanism

Shamanism Today – Section 2:

  • The Modern Shaman
  • Difference Between Shaman & Healer
  • Difference Between Shaman & Shamanic Practitioner

American Indian Shamanism – Section 2 Continued:

  • Ancient Ones
  • Totem Animals
  • Totem Poles
  • Medicine Wheel

Healing Methods – Section 3:

  • Extractions
  • Tracking
  • Crystals
  • Muscle Testing
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Journeying
  • Regression
  • Past Lives

Tools for Healing – Section 4:

  • Hands
  • Wands
  • Feathers
  • Rattles
  • Crystals
  • Staff
  • Breath
  • Animal Medicine
  • The Sacred Drum
  • Remote Healing

Sacred Space – Section 5:

  • Opening and Closing Sacred Space
  • Calling in Spirit Guides / Helpers & Animals
  • Cleansing of Sacred Places / Spaces
  • Smudging with Sage

Ceremonies – Section 6:

  • Fire Ceremony
  • Medicine Wheel
  • Prayer Sticks
  • Sweat Lodge

The Spiritual Body – Section 7:

  • The Luminous Energy Field
  • Chakras
  • How Our LEF Informs Our Chakras
  • Cleansing and Protecting the LEF


  • Initiation into the Munay-Ki Rites
  • Meditation
  • Fire Ceremony
  • Books to Read
  • Making Your Own Healing Tools
  • Hands on Healing Practice
  • Case Studies to Complete
  • Opening Sacred Space & Ceremony
  • A Written Assignment


Unit 2


Meditation & Personal Development Including:

  • Basic Counselling Skills
  • How to Greet a Client
  • How to Mange the Client Practitioner Relationship
  • Maintaining Professional Boundaries
  • Body Language
  • Understanding the Unspoken Words
  • Seeing the Bigger Picture
  • Healing
  • Guided Meditation
  • Guided Journeying


  • Using Counselling Skills in Your Practice
  • Books to Read
  • Hands on Healing Practice
  • Case Studies to Complete
  • A Written Assignment


Unit 3


  • Herbs and Their Uses
  • How to Make Your Own Remedies
  • Helping Others with Herbs


  • Making a Herbal Remedy
  • Ceremonial Blessings on Herbal Remedies
  • Books to Read
  • Hands on Healing Practice
  • Suggesting Remedies to Clients
  • Case Studies to Complete
  • A Written Assignment


Unit 4


The Gift of Prophecy Including:

  • Card Reading
  • Scrying
  • Clairvoyance
  • Clairaudience
  • Clairsentience
  • Psychokinesis


  • Prophesying
  • Books to Read
  • Hands on Healing Practice
  • Case Studies to Complete
  • A Written Assignment


Unit 5


  • Teaching Others
  • Speaking Out
  • Confidence
  • Knowing What to Say
  • Knowing Your Subject
  • Keeping it Simple
  • Training or Workshops?


  • Putting together a Presentation
  • Presenting Your Presentation
  • Managing Yourself and Others
  • Books to Read
  • Hands on Healing Practice
  • Case Studies to Complete
  • A Written Assignment


Year 2 Time Table

Year 3 Time Table

A Course Specifically for Women

The Shamanic Program

Welcome to those that choose to take this path. This program is designed to take you through your own journey of personal and spiritual development in order for you to grow, develop and evolve into the Shamanic Practitioner that you are. From such a journey you will discover a new you, the real you and from such a journey, you will be able to assist others on their path to freedom and light.

Due to certain aspects of this program, I can only accept women that were born women as it looks deep into the feminine.

This is not an easy road, you will face your fears and your doubts, at times you will feel overwhelmed, I can promise you there will be tears, many, many tears, both yours and others. But I can also promise you, that in travelling this road with an open heart and mind, you will sense a freedom you have not yet felt. You will feel a strong connection to the divine, you will experience a deepening of your understanding and an opening up of yourself and opportunities.

Sometimes we need to climb the hardest mountain to obtain the results we are after, big or small. But at the top of each mountain, you are promised a view that you would not otherwise see. It is whilst seeing that view, you are able to come to understand why the path had to be taken and why it needed the rough and the smooth.

This IS a tough program, but I feel sure that you will also find that the positives outweigh the negatives, the joy outweighs the sorrow and in amongst it all, those that truly love you and accept you for who you are and what you are will remain by your side. They will hold you lightly, without possessing, which will allow you to……….

Spread Your Wings and Fly


The Shamanic Practitioner program is based on the concept that the sacred teachings of the Americas should remain as such, SACRED. For this reason, and as a Protector of the Medicine Wheel, I am asking you NOT to share your learning with others. It is alright talking about using feathers etc as healing tools, but please respect the teachings enough to not instruct others on HOW TO use the tools or facilitate healing unless they are receiving formal training and supervision – White Eagle

Program Requirements

The foundation of this program is based on the concept that there are five components to being a Shaman / Shamanic Practitioner, those components are having:

  • A Knowledge of the History of Shamanism
  • An Ability to Counsel
  • A Working Knowledge of Herbs
  • A Gift of Prophecy (in various forms) &
  • An Ability to Teach.

Based on these concepts, the program will include the following units, but are not limited to:

Unit One:    The History of Shamanism

Unit Two:    Basic Counselling Skills

Unit Three: Herbology

Unit Four:   The Gift of Prophecy

Unit Five:    Teaching

All work MUST be completed each year in order to be able to go on to the following year. A more detailed list of the units is available after registration.

You Will Need To:

  • Be open to group and individual counselling and healing.
  • Maintain a personal journal throughout this journey.
  • Complete any given work on time and to the best of your ability.
  • Be committed to your path and to the teaching.
  • Be honest and sincere.
  • Respect yourself and others, including their feelings, beliefs, and belongings.
  • Participate in all activities and follow any other expectations of the program.

This program also requires that as a Shamanic Student, you have ceased:

  • Smoking
  • Consumption of, or at least over-consumption of alcohol
  • Use of drugs (Not including prescription drugs).

If you have not ceased the above, you will need to agree to a ‘Reduction to Quit Contract’

Failure to keep your Reduction Contract will result in you being removed from the program and all monies paid, will remain non-refundable. Signing up or attending the program, reflects your acceptance of all these Terms, Conditions & Requirements.

There are reasons for the above restrictions, which can be discussed as part of the journey. I am not asking you to change your views or beliefs about the above, just to comply with them for the duration of this program. 

Healing Log Requirements

This is a 3 year program which requires you to complete 500 hours of Shamanic Healing Practice, some of it will be met via the practical aspects of the program, other hours will be met via your own personal case studies.

You will need to keep a detailed log of ALL your Healing sessions including the clients:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone Number
  • Basic Medical History
  • The Reason they are Coming for Healing
  • The Goals they wish to Achieve
  • Out-comes of Each Session.

You will also be required to have appropriate and adequate Insurance.

Your Shamanic Healing Practice WILL START FROM UNIT ONE!

Mode of Study

The majority of the theory for this program is via on-line study with meet ups twice a month in Seaton Devon. Additional time may be required for personal counselling/healing sessions.

Course Testimony

I did my Shamanic training with White Eagle over ten years ago, it was life changing and continues to be so.

White Eagle is a wonderful teacher and mentor and I continue to work with her in an informal way.

White Eagle holds an impeccable space, has a huge heart, and also big boots to give you a kick when you need it, whilst all coming from a place of love and compassion. Her training was in-depth and it opened many doors for me to explore to help me find my own Shamanic path.

White Eagle is intuitive, knowledgeable, and completely connected to Spirit. For myself, it was not a course, but a way of being which permeated into every aspect of my life, changing myself and my life in a beautiful, heartfelt, and at times, tough way.

Training or studying with White Eagle is not for the faint hearted. If you are drawn to this work then she will walk beside you, guide and teach you for as long as you wish to stay. I have deep gratitude and love for my teacher and mentor White Eagle, and I cannot recommend her highly enough.

With Love – Sue

The Prisoner Frees No-One

The prisoner frees no-one, not even himself, it’s not until the prisoner ceases seeing the limitations of the cell, and begins to see the opportunities in the situation, that they can open up to discovering the path to FREEDOM.

And so it is…….

When the body and mind are free, you are free to do that which you have been placed here to do. So free yourself, that you may be able to assist others to freedom, for you cannot direct a traveller on a road you haven’t travelled – White Eagle

The Foundations as Pillars

The foundations are everything, without them the building crumbles in the slightest breeze. As you progress in the building of your foundations, you will start to feel your inner strength.

Shamanism – a powerful ancient healing art that is still very relevant for our lives today.

Unit 2 – Counselling

We all need counselling from time to time to talk through deep seated issues, often issues that we did not realize were there.

Unit 3 – Herbs

The healing power of herbs is often under rated, herbs can bring healing on different levels.

Unit 4 – Prophecy

When we truly connect with Spirit, we are able to find answers for ourselves, and bring ancient wisdom into the lives of others.

Unit 5 – Teaching

Teaching is a powerful way to consolidate our own learning and understanding.

Unit 6 – The Circle Continues

The learning never stops, when one level of growth is complete, we begin another.

The Importance of Cleansing

Healing can only be as pure as the vessel it came through. If your body is diseased or full of toxins, your mind full of garbage, and your heart full of unforgiveness, it will affect the healing.

It is your responsibility to “Be the Best Version of You”

The purest healing comes through the purest vessel – White Eagle

Price of 3yr Program

Cost of 3yr Program


Upfront Yearly Cost

YEAR 1 - £2,500
YEAR 2 - £2,500
YEAR 3 - £670

All Fees Are Strictly Non-Refundable

White Eagle

Shamanic Studies